الاتحاد العراقي للكيوكوشنكاي


بطولاتنا السابقة

البطولة العربية الحادية عشر للكيوشنكاي

تمت البطولة في عام 2022 في ارض العراق و تمت مشاركة اكثر من 250 لاعب.

بطولة 2

A paragraph describing what this workshop offers. For example, you can include details about the workshop content, dates, or registration process. This is your chance to convince the visitor that your workshop is the right choice for them.

بطولة 3

A paragraph describing what this workshop offers. For example, you can include details about the workshop content, dates, or registration process. This is your chance to convince the visitor that your workshop is the right choice for them.

بطولة 4

A paragraph describing what this workshop offers. For example, you can include details about the workshop content, dates, or registration process. This is your chance to convince the visitor that your workshop is the right choice for them.

صور البطولات